Learn about the interpretation of the dream about ducks and chicks by Ibn Sirin

Mohamed Shiref
Interpretation of dreams
Mohamed ShirefChecked by: Mostafa Shaaban1 December 2020Last update: 3 months ago

Interpretation of seeing ducks and chicks in a dream, The vision of ducks and chicks is one of the visions that have many indications that express them, and this vision has many interpretations that vary based on several considerations, including that the ducks and chicks may be small or large, and the ducks and chicks may be dead or slaughtered, and the person may see that he is hunting chicks or ducks .

What interests us in this article is to review all the indications and special cases of dreaming of ducks and chicks.

Interpretation of a dream about ducks and chicks
Learn about the interpretation of the dream about ducks and chicks by Ibn Sirin

Interpretation of a dream about ducks and chicks

  • Seeing ducks and chicks expresses abundance in money, abundance of blessings and good things, blessing in sustenance, and changing conditions and changes that occur in personality.
  • This vision is also indicative of goodness and splendor, great spoils, entering into projects that bring many benefits to its owner, and achieving many desired goals.
  • The jurists believe that whether ducks or chicks, both of them are interpreted by the woman, and some allocate chicks as denoting the foolish woman whose opinion has no weight and is not taken into account in difficult issues.
  • And if a person sees that he is carrying ducks or chicks, then this is indicative of assuming responsibilities, transferring tasks to him and completing them on time without delay or delay.
  • And in the event that the seer sees a lot of ducks and chicks in his house, then this expresses a calamity or a tragic accident, and entering into a spiral of problems that requires patience, careful thinking and perseverance from the person.

Interpretation of a dream about ducks and chicks by Ibn Sirin

  • Ibn Sirin goes in his interpretation of seeing ducks and chicks, that this vision indicates a beautiful woman with praiseworthy qualities, and she may be characterized by splendor and beauty on the one hand, and lack of reason and vision on the other hand.
  • Seeing birds, in general, expresses a high status and prestigious position, high status and holding high positions, and enjoyment of experiences and powers that help its owner to achieve whatever goals and objectives he wants.
  • On the other hand, the vision of ducks expresses strong men who tended towards religion, understanding, and asceticism in the world, interest in science and acquisition of knowledge, and experiences that benefit and benefit.
  • And if a person sees that he is hunting ducks or chicks, then this is indicative of reaping the fruits and achieving goals and objectives, and legitimate gain and blessing in lawful livelihood.
  • If the seer witnesses that he is eating from its meat, then this is an indication of the great benefit, a change in the situation for the better, the desired harvest, and the enjoyment of the joys of life.
  • And in the event that the ducks or chicks are of the wild type, then this indicates long travel or permanent travel, the search for a source of livelihood, and obtaining money from foreign entities.

Interpretation of a dream about ducks and chicks for single women

  • Seeing ducks and chicks in a dream symbolizes her female companions, the company she takes, and the advice and advice she uses in managing her life affairs.
  • And if the single woman sees chicks and ducks, then this is indicative of the benefits and benefits that she enjoys, blessed livelihood, walking on the right path, and following good instructions without distortion or deviation from the specified path.
  • But if she sees the slaughter of ducks or chicks in her dream, then this symbolizes the quarrels and conflicts that take place between her and her counterparts, and the many skirmishes and backbiting that are useless except to increase enmities and rivalries.
  • And if she saw that she was eating duck or chicken meat, and it was raw, then this indicates gossip and verbal exchange, and engaging in battles that drain all her time and effort, and keep her away from the planned goals, and the loss of the ability to live normally.
  • But if you see that she plucks the feathers of ducks and chicks, then this indicates jealousy and gloating, wasting time in vain on matters of no benefit, scandal, revealing secrets, and placing trust in people who are not worthy.

Interpretation of a dream about ducks and chicks for a married woman

  • Seeing ducks and chicks in a dream indicates livelihood, blessing, stability, a balanced income, and achieving a great deal of interdependence and cohesion between them and their relatives.
  • The vision may be an indication of idle talk and engaging in aimless discussions and debates, and it may find itself in a quarrel with many of those close to it.
  • And if she sees that she is slaughtering chicks and ducks, then this is indicative of preparation for an important occasion, and good preparation for any circumstances that may occur to her and spoil her plans and the measures she has taken.
  • On the other hand, this vision is an indication of entering into conflicts with some of those around it, and the large number of talk that is useless except for increasing hatred and rancor, and the difficulty of living in peace.
  • But if you see that she is cooking chicken or duck, then this is an indication that there will be many meetings and encounters in the next stage, and preparations for some important occasions that will benefit her.

Interpretation of a dream about ducks and chicks for a pregnant woman

  • Seeing ducks and chicks in a dream indicates support, support, and the large number of people who visit them and reassure them of their condition from time to time, and a sense of psychological comfort and calm.
  • This vision also expresses the approaching date of childbirth, and the exertion of a lot of efforts to stabilize the situation, and to avoid any influences that may negatively affect her health and the safety of her newborn.
  • And if she sees ducks and chicks playing in her house, then this indicates the safe arrival of her fetus, the enjoyment of health and vitality, and the feeling of overwhelming happiness that she will witness in her home in the coming period.
  • But if you see that she is carrying ducks and chicks, then this expresses the end of the ordeal, the overcoming of difficulties and crises, the end of the critical period of her life, and the entry into a new phase in which she witnesses many positive developments.
  • The vision may be indicative of the women’s meetings that she attends, the experiences she gains from those who are older than her in age and experience, and listening to advice and guidance and acting according to them.

To get the most accurate interpretation of your dream, search on Google Egyptian site for the interpretation of dreamsIt includes thousands of interpretations of the great jurists of interpretation.

The most important dream interpretations of ducks and chicks

Interpretation of a dream about small ducks and chicks

Seeing small ducks and chicks expresses halal sustenance, earning from legitimate sources, following the right path, avoiding idle talk and hypocrisy, and enjoying various experiences and skills that help a person meet his needs without delay or negligence. This vision is also indicative of the responsibilities that are added. old responsibilities, and the tasks assigned to it, and he is required to quickly complete them, and to work hard and continuously in order to achieve the desired goals.

Interpretation of a dream about little ducks and chicks

Seeing little ducks and chicks expresses young children, how the seer deals with his children, and the ways in which he provides them with comfort and a good life, perseverance, mastery of workmanship, and dedication to work in order to come out in the best image, and to benefit from the experiences of others, and this vision also indicates On the small projects that a person starts with in order to achieve a specific purpose that he wants to reach at a specific date, which expresses the self-made personality that makes its own way.

Interpretation of a dream about the death of ducks and chicks

Jurists believe that seeing the death of birds and domestic animals is one of the visions that symbolizes cruelty, mishandling, lack of appreciation for blessings, the outbreak of wars and disputes over fleeting material things, and entering into undesirable competitions that result in physical and psychological harm to its owner, and if a person sees the death of ducks and chicks, then this is indicative. On financial hardship, difficulty in finding a suitable living income, and practicing more than one profession to improve life conditions.

Interpretation of a dream about slaughtering ducks and chicks

Ibn Sirin says that the vision of slaughtering ducks and chicks indicates verbal altercations and quarrels that reach the point of rivalry and estrangement, and hearing gossip that offend modesty and hurt feelings, and entering into a difficult period in which the dreamer loses his temper, and is forced to commit acts that do not express him and do not represent his true personality, and from On the other hand, this vision also refers to the period of menstruation, the breaking of the hymen, or marriage in the near future, and the change of conditions for the better.

Interpretation of a dream about ducks and chicks

he goes Nabulsi To say that ducks and white chicks in a dream indicate beauty, splendor and beauty. If a person sees white chicks or ducks, then this is indicative of a beautiful woman who is characterized by good manners and good qualities and who obeys her husband out of love for him. The vision also indicates sound upbringing, good education, and imitation. With the righteous and following their approach, distancing from places of suspicion, and striving to do good without reward or desire for material.

Interpretation of a dream about buying ducks in a dream

The vision of buying ducks is an indication of blessing, good tidings, good work, uprightness, walking at a steady pace, staying away from the disadvantages of life, avoiding corrupt companionship, and choosing what is beneficial to him. The vision may also be an indication of marriage in the near future or engagement, and the determination to start. In projects that bring him a lot of profits, and to investigate the source of livelihood.

As for the vision of selling ducks, this vision indicates divorce or abandonment, and the vision symbolizes the divorced woman and the widow.

Interpretation of a dream about a slaughtered duck in a dream

Ibn Sirin says that the vision of slaughtering ducks indicates not thinking about the words a person utters that may offend others, the large number of quarrels and disputes about things that will not last, and the inability to control the emotions that come out of the person, and the vision of the slaughtered ducks expresses the marriage of single women and defloration. And entering a new phase requires the visionary to slow down and think carefully, and to leave idle talk and discussions that will only bring harm and fatigue, and the vision may be indicative of harsh and harsh advice.

Interpretation of a dream about eating ducks in a dream

Seeing eating duck meat indicates blessings, halal livelihood, abundant goodness, good tidings of days full of bounties, blessings and happy occasions, the fulfillment of many absent wishes, and a double effort to secure future requirements and the needs of the house. If the duck tastes bad, then this indicates difficult livelihood. Or wishes that are difficult to reach, bad luck and a lot of thinking, and if the duck is raw, then this expresses gossip and backbiting.

Interpretation of a dream about duck eggs in a dream

The vision of duck eggs refers to the young child, the methods of education and upbringing, and the presentation of many models for the child to follow in his infancy, and to grow up to love goodness and do what is good for him and others, and this vision is also indicative of creative ideas, plans and future projects that the person desires Earn a lot of profits through it.

What is the interpretation of hunting ducks in a dream?

The vision of duck hunting indicates profit and lawful livelihood, going through many experiences and adventures that will bring many benefits to the owner, fulfilling long-missed wishes, removing obstacles and difficulties from the path the dreamer is on, getting rid of adversity and adversity, and benefiting from great spoils that will change his life for the better, make his affairs easier for him, and improve his situation. On the right path. If he is poor, this vision indicates wealth, fertility, and a significant change in the financial situation.

What is the interpretation of the big duck dream?

Seeing large ducks is an indication of good living, capacity, prosperity, prosperity, achieving high rates of profits, reaching the desired position, achieving many desired goals and objectives, feeling happy and content, and beginning to reap the fruits of the projects that the person has recently started. The vision may be indicative of a wealthy woman or the benefit that she has. Get accustomed to seeing the dreamer from the side of a woman.

What is the interpretation of a dream about white ducks in a dream?

Seeing white ducks indicates a good and righteous woman in her character and creation, who seeks the pleasure of God in her actions and words. This vision is also an indicator of the purity of the soul, the serenity of the mind, walking on the right path, purifying the soul, struggling with it, following the good path, even if it is difficult, and having praiseworthy morals and qualities.

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التعليقات Two comments

  • Lotus flowerLotus flower

    I saw that I live in my father's house, as if I own it, and it is close to the house of the one I love, and I saw that many white chicks and XNUMX very small ducks came to him from the side of his house. What did I say? The canal is in front of the house as if they were coming to me, so I said, “These are my chicks, they were very white, including the old ones who slaughtered a little half of their life.”

    • MohammedMohammed

      Pipe dreams.. It seems that you were hungry and you were in a duck, bit