What is the interpretation of drinking cold water in a dream according to Ibn Sirin?

Omnia Samir
Interpretation of dreams
Omnia SamirChecked by: israa msry9 March 2024Last update: 3 weeks ago

Interpretation of a dream about drinking cold water

When a person drinks cold water in a dream, he feels a pleasure filling his soul, which foretells that he is entering into a new project in which great success awaits, shining like a star in the sky. This luxurious success guarantees him a dense flow of wealth, deep and renewed like the waters of a river.

If a person is suffering from financial hardship, then seeing him drinking water in a dream means the end of that hardship and his escape from safely crossing the raging sea, where he will find salvation and comfort on the shore of safety. But sometimes the water he drinks is mixed with some impurities, which symbolizes going through a difficult period before reaching the desired rest, as these impurities quickly disappear in the face of his strength of will and steadfastness.

In moments of extreme thirst in a dream, the vision of drinking cold water indicates the end of a long period of poverty and need, as the cup will be filled with wealth and luxury after long patience. When he drinks cold water from the sea of ​​dreams, this opens for him the gateway to integrity and strength, and obtaining a great position that brings wealth and success.

هكذا، رؤية شرب الماء البارد في الحلم تحمل بين طياتها أملًا مشرقًا وفرصًا لا تنضب، تحمل الحلم الرسالة والدلالة على زمن الخيرات والتوفيق.

Cold water in a dream

Interpretation of a dream about drinking cold water by Ibn Sirin

Drinking cold water in a dream promises joy for the soul and the fulfillment of wishes. When the dream depicts a person drinking cold water, it carries with it good news of the arrival of abundant goodness in his life. This water, which touches his lips with its coldness, heals the wounds of the soul and quenches the thirst of the heart.

If the dreamer is sick and sees himself in the dream drinking cold water, this means that a speedy recovery awaits him, and that the coming days will bring him health and peace after long suffering from illness and pain. This water embodies signs of healing and strength returning to the body, which restores life to its normal course after a period of misery and torment.

When the dreamer drinks a large amount of cold water after feeling extremely thirsty, this is an indication that goals and ambitions will be achieved soon. This water, which quenches the hunger for success and distinction, restores spirit and vitality to the dreamer, and pushes him towards achieving great success in his field of work.

If he drinks cold water in a dream and tastes its saltiness, this means that he is going through a major financial crisis, and that he needs to work hard and work hard to get out of this predicament. The dream charts the path to salvation, but it requires effort and dedication to overcome obstacles and achieve success and stability.

Interpretation of a dream about drinking cold water for single women

When a single woman sees herself drinking cold water in her dream, she contemplates with pleasure that journey deep into the subconscious, those bouts of refreshment and comfort making their way to her heart, carrying with them good news of a bright future.

This water that a single woman drinks in a dream represents support and appreciation from heaven. It may be a symbol of a good man who will come into her life, loaded with support and tenderness, and perhaps they will end up in a marriage bond that will fill their lives with tranquility and contentment.

When a single woman drinks from a river of cold water in a dream, and feels quenched after being extremely thirsty, this is an indication of the arrival of happiness and psychological stability in her life. So worries will disappear and be swallowed by the waters of peace, and the single girl may find healing in this vision if she is suffering from illness in reality.

If a single woman drinks cold water in a dream and enjoys a stable and calm life due to her family’s support, this reflects the strength of the spirit and optimism that fills her heart, and the family’s appreciation for her creates a life full of positivity and optimism for her.

Interpretation of a dream about drinking cold water for a divorced woman

When a divorced woman sees herself drinking cold water in her dream, this may be an indication of a new beginning and recovery in her life after a period of challenges and changes.

قد يرمز الماء البارد في الحلم لتحول إيجابي في الحالة العاطفية للمطلقة، حيث يمثل الانتعاش بعد فترة من الألم والصعوبات. يمكن أن يكون ذلك دليلاً على استعدادها لقبول الأمور الجديدة في حياتها وتحقيق السلام الداخلي.

This dream may also indicate the divorced woman's need to nourish her soul and strengthen her connection with herself after a period of separation and challenges. It can be an invitation for her to relax, reflect on her personal goals and vision, and work towards achieving them with confidence and faith.

بشكل عام، يتجلى تفسير حلم شرب الماء البارد للمطلقة بإشارة إلى الأمل، وضرورة استعادة التوازن والسلام الداخلي في حياتها بعد فترة من التحديات والتغيرات.

Interpretation of a dream about drinking cold water for a married woman

If a woman is in reality experiencing a great ordeal, then her dream of drinking cold water represents divine support and encouragement for her to be patient and steadfast. She carries within her the hope that God will bless her with goodness and grant her what she desires as soon as possible.

A dream about drinking cold water may be accompanied by a bitter taste, which foretells upcoming challenges and financial or health difficulties. But these difficult experiences strengthen her will and strengthen her faith, paving the way for success and positive transformation in her life.

While the woman feels hydrated after drinking cold water in the dream, this is embodied as a champion of transformation and personal development, as she transcends boundaries and progresses on her journey towards achieving her dreams and aspirations. It is the beginning of a new journey towards success and achievement, God willing.

Interpretation of a dream about drinking cold water for a pregnant woman

When a pregnant woman sees herself drinking cold water in her dream, this may be an indication of the need for nutrition and rest during this sensitive period.

Drinking cold water in a dream could reflect the pregnant woman’s desire to meet her body’s needs and preserve her health and the health of the fetus. This dream could be evidence of listening to her body's needs and taking good care of herself during pregnancy.

A pregnant woman dreaming of drinking cold water may be a symbol of psychological comfort and inner peace. A pregnant woman may feel anxious and stressed during this period, and this dream comes to calm her mind and remind her of the importance of relaxation and meditation during this period.

The interpretation of a dream about drinking cold water for a pregnant woman has positive connotations that indicate concern for health, comfort, and psychological peace during pregnancy.

Interpretation of a dream about drinking cold water for a man

When a man sees himself drinking cold water in his dream, this carries multiple connotations that reflect his emotional state in reality. Drinking cold water in a dream may symbolize the satisfaction of emotional desires and freedom from stress and tension.

Drinking cold water may be a symbol of refreshment and renewal, and may indicate a feeling of comfort and inner tranquility. This dream could be an indication of a man’s need for balance and stability in his life, and to renew energy and vitality to face challenges with confidence and strength.

Drinking cold water in a dream can symbolize the need for emotional connection and deeper connection with others. This dream could be an indication of the desire to build strong and solid relationships with a partner or friends.

The interpretation of a dream about drinking cold water for a man is to achieve emotional recovery and renewal, and to strive for balance and stability in daily life.

Interpretation of a dream about drinking water in a cup

Drinking water from a cup in a dream may symbolize the need for emotional nourishment, and the desire for personal growth and development.

Dreaming of drinking water in a cup may be an indication of a desire for internal healing and cleansing of negative thoughts and negative energy. This dream could be a sign of the need for emotional stability and inner peace.

Dreaming of drinking water in a cup could reflect a desire for mental nourishment, and a search for wisdom and inspiration. Sometimes, this dream reminds a person of the importance of growth and self-development in his life.

In general, the interpretation of a dream about drinking water in a cup indicates the need for nutrition and personal development, and the pursuit of balance and stability in life.

Interpretation of a dream about drinking cold water with ice for single women

A single woman's dream of drinking cold water with ice may reflect the desire for freshness and renewal in her life. She may need a change or renewal in her personal relationships or the general situation of her life.

Cold water and ice in a dream may symbolize the need for emotional cooling or getting rid of negative emotions. This vision may indicate that the single woman is suffering from emotional pressure and needs calming and balance.

A dream about drinking cold water with ice may mean for a single woman that she is in a stage of preparation for new changes in her life. This could be related to work or personal relationships, and this vision indicates a willingness to face challenges and changes with confidence and readiness.

Interpretation of a dream about drinking cold water and not quenching

The person finds himself thirsty and drinks cold water, but continues to feel thirsty afterwards, as if his soul is unenviably suppressed. This dream translates a deeper meaning that carries within it a clear warning.

Cold water in a dream, and not being satisfied with it, indicates that the person is hesitating in the waters of life without a clear goal, getting lost in the depths of desires and pleasures without finding a way for himself to true quenching, whether in the soul or the body.

This dream indicates that the person is suffering from a loss of balance and direction in his life, and may be on his way to the abyss if he does not stop, reflect on his path, and redirect his goals.

Perhaps this dream is an invitation to repent and return to the right path, to God, goodness, and true happiness that only comes by walking on the right path.

Interpretation of a dream about drinking cold water in abundance

The dream of drinking cold water in abundance may symbolize the desire for renewal and refreshment, whether on an emotional level. A person may need a change or renewal in his life to feel refreshed and grow.

This dream can reflect a person's readiness to face challenges and difficulties in life. There may be upcoming challenges that the person is preparing himself to face with confidence and strength.

Drinking a lot of cold water in a dream may symbolize the need for emotional purification and getting rid of negative or heavy emotions. It could be that a person seeks inner calm and peace.

Dreaming about drinking a lot of cold water could be an indication of a physical need for hydration and refreshment. The person may be truly thirsty or need to hydrate due to weather conditions or physical exertion.

Drinking cold water from a bottle in a dream for a single woman

When a single woman sees herself drinking cold water from a bottle, this can have several interpretations:

Drinking cold water in a dream may symbolize a single woman’s desire for freshness and renewal in her life. She may need to reconsider things and bring freshness and vitality into her life.

Perhaps this dream reflects self-satisfaction, a feeling of comfort and inner peace. A single woman may be satisfied with herself and her current life.

Drinking cold water from a bottle in a dream may symbolize independence and the ability to meet personal needs without needing others.

The dream could be an indication of the importance of self-care and attention to health and wellness. A single woman may need to take care of herself and meet her simple needs, such as drinking water, to maintain her health.

Drinking cold water for the dead in a dream

Seeing a person who has died drinking cold water in a dream may have many different meanings, including:

Drinking cold water for a dead person in a dream may be a sign that the deceased person feels comfortable and at peace after death, and this may be an expression of the belief that the soul wanders in another world after death.

Drinking cold water for a dead person in a dream may express the respect and appreciation that the dreamer has for the deceased person, and it may be an expression of the desire to immortalize his memory and keep him in his heart.

This dream may be a sign of healing for the living person who dreams it, and it can be a motivation for repentance and change in life.

Drinking cold water for the dead in a dream may symbolize fulfillment of a promise and continuing life after the departure of loved ones, and it may be a reminder that their memory remains alive within hearts.

Interpretation of a dream about drinking cold water and hydration

Drinking cold water and hydrating in a dream may symbolize the dreamer's need for rest and renewal. This dream may be a reminder of the importance of relaxation and relaxation after a period of hard work or psychological pressure.

Drinking cold water and hydrating in a dream may indicate a good state of physical and psychological health. If you feel comfortable and hydrated while drinking water in a dream, this may be an indication of recovery from an illness or improvement in health.

Seeing yourself quenching yourself after drinking cold water in a dream may reflect stability and frugality in your professional and personal life. This vision may be an indication that you enjoy financial and emotional stability and can meet your needs with ease.

Drinking cold water and hydrating in a dream can symbolize a new beginning or professional or personal growth. If you feel comfortable and hydrated while drinking water, this may be a hint that you are ready to move forward in your life and achieve success and development.

Interpretation of a dream about drinking cold water

Drinking cold water from a tree in a dream may symbolize recovery and psychological and physical comfort. This could be an expression of your need to refresh and re-energize after a period of hard work or stress.

This dream may symbolize contentment and happiness with the life you live. It can be a reminder to you of the importance of enjoying the beautiful and simple moments in life and enjoying what you have.

Perhaps this dream expresses harmony and balance in your life. It could be an indication that you feel satisfied and balanced in personal and professional relationships, and that you are in control of things well.

In some cases, drinking cold water from a tree in a dream may be an indication of good health or the need to take care of health and diet.

This dream can symbolize the stability and reassurance you feel in your general life. It may be a reminder to you of the importance of consistency and stability in the decisions and situations you face.

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