Learn more about the benefits of walking on sand

mohamed elsharkawy
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mohamed elsharkawyChecked by: Mostafa Ahmed1 November 2023Last update: 6 months ago

Benefits of walking on sand

Recent research indicates that walking on sand, barefoot, is considered one of the best physical activities beneficial to health.
فقد تبين أن هذا النشاط يحقق العديد من الفوائد المهمة للجسم، ويشجع على حياة نشطة وصحية.

Among the benefits of walking on sand barefoot, it is noted that these exercises contribute to strengthening the muscles of the feet and legs.
Therefore, the body's natural ability to withstand other physical efforts increases.

Walking on the sand, barefoot, is a natural massage for the interior of the earth, as it stimulates blood circulation.
This activity also sterilizes the skin and eliminates dead cells, which leads to cleaning the pores.

In addition, walking on sand contributes to discharging the body of excess electrical charges, which enhances the electrical balance in the body.

Therefore, it is highly recommended to practice walking on sand, barefoot, to maintain a physically active lifestyle.
According to research, it is recommended to walk for one to two hours daily to enjoy the health benefits mentioned.

Moreover, studies indicate that walking on sand, barefoot, improves the functioning of the digestive system in children.
ويعمل تعرض الجسم لأشعة الشمس لمدة 10 دقائق يوميًا على تزويده بالكمية المناسبة من فيتامين “د”.

Blood tests were conducted that included a sample of participants, and showed that walking on sand reduces the level of blood sugar and raises the level of white blood cells, which serve as the body's defensive shield against diseases.

In this way, we find that walking on sand is a wonderful act for maintaining the health and fitness of the body, in addition to the other benefits it provides.
لذا، دعونا نستغل مزايا الشاطئ والأماكن الرملية للاستمتاع بتمارين المشي التي تعود بالفائدة على صحتنا وعافيتنا.

Benefits of walking barefoot on sand

Does walking on sand draw electricity?

Dr. Khaled Al-Nimr, consultant and professor of cardiology and arterial catheterization, pointed out that walking on sand barefoot does not expel electricity from the body.
يُعتبر المشي على الرمال شكلًا رائعًا من التمارين للحفاظ على نمط حياة نشط بدنيًا.
وعلى الرغم من اعتقاد بعض الناس بأن المشي على الرمال يسحب الكهرباء الزائدة من الجسم ويعالج بعض الأمراض، إلا أن الأبحاث أظهرت أن هذا الاعتقاد غير صحيح.

In fact, scientific studies have not proven that walking on sand releases static electrical energy from the body.
Sand does not affect the regulation of the heart rate or the treatment of some electrical disorders in the body, such as epilepsy and palpitations.
Therefore, it can be said that the idea of ​​walking barefoot on the sand to treat these diseases is just a myth that is not based on scientific foundations.

However, walking on sand or ground is beneficial for your heart and overall body health.
It contributes to positive changes in the electrical activity of the brain, enhances the conduction of heat to the skin, improves the conduction of heat to the skin, and regulates the heart rate in a wonderful way.
In addition, walking barefoot on the sand provides a feeling of calm, relaxation and psychological comfort, especially when hearing the sound of the sea waves, and it acts as a stimulant for blood circulation.

Therefore, it can be said that walking barefoot on the sand is a wonderful exercise for heart and body health, and although its effect in expelling excess electricity from the body has not been confirmed, it has many health benefits.
Therefore, individuals are advised to practice this simple and enjoyable sport as part of their lifestyle.

How much does walking on sand burn?

A recent study proves that walking on sand burns more calories than walking on regular hard terrain, with an average of 20-80 calories per mile.
ويرجع ذلك إلى أن الرمال توفر سطحًا غير مستوي، مما يجعل الجسم يبذل مزيدًا من الجهد للحفاظ على توازنه.
وهذا يعمل على تنشيط عضلات الجزأين العلوي والسفلي من الجسم وزيادة حرق السعرات الحرارية.

In fact, research has shown that walking on sand for one to two hours a day supports health and vitality as we age.
It is a great way to clear the mind and provide mental relief.
If you take off your shoes and walk barefoot on the sand, it will be a very pleasant moment when you reach the beach.

Walking on sand brings many benefits to the heart.
It stimulates blood circulation and promotes cardiovascular health.
Walking on sand can be a fun way to exercise and enhance fitness.

The benefits of walking on sand are not only limited to physical health, but also extend to mental health.
Studies have shown that walking on sand helps improve mood and reduce stress and anxiety, thanks to its calming and relaxing effect on the spirit and mind.

So, jogging or exercising on the beach sand is an excellent option.
In addition to enjoying nature and fresh air, it improves the quality of exercise and increases the burning of calories even more.

Benefits of walking on sand - Heya Magazine

What is the best time to walk on sand?

Numerous research has shown that walking on sand can be a great form of exercise to maintain a physically active lifestyle.
ومن الأرجح أن تكون هناك أوقات أفضل لممارسة هذه النشاط البدني على الرمال.

One of the recommended times to do sand walking is early in the morning, just before sunrise.
في هذا الوقت من اليوم، يكون الجو منعشًا وباردًا، مما يجعل تجربة المشي ممتعة ومريحة.
Additionally, the sun is still low in the sky, which means there will be no direct exposure to harmful UV rays.

Another good time to walk on the sand is in the late afternoon, after the temperature has cooled down a bit.
At this time, the weather is milder, and walking on the sand can be less stressful on the body.
You can enjoy walking under the warm sunshine and enjoying the peaceful atmosphere at the beach.

However, you should avoid walking on the sand during the hot afternoon hours when the sun is highest. This is due to high temperatures and exposure to the hot sun, which may lead to sunburn or heat exhaustion.
You should take caution and stay alert for any signs of heat stress.

To enhance the results of physical exercise, enhance your health, and obtain the necessary vitamin D, you can take advantage of the full benefits of walking on the sand by being on the beach for 10 minutes a day, in the early morning or late evening, especially at times when the sun is low. in the sky.

There is no specific time that suits everyone to practice sand walking. Everyone can choose the time that suits them based on their schedule and personal circumstances.
The important thing is to make sure you follow the necessary precautions and enjoy the benefits of this wonderful physical activity on the sand

What is the benefit of walking on sand for the feet?

Research has shown that walking on sand is an ideal exercise for maintaining a healthy and physically active lifestyle.
This sport is suitable for everyone, as it is not expensive and can be practiced in various places, such as sandy beaches and rubber courts.

One of the main benefits of walking on sand barefoot is strengthening the muscles of the feet and legs.
Walking on sand activates and tightens the muscles, which contributes to improving the body’s natural capabilities.

Walking on the sand also acts as a natural massage for the ground, which helps stimulate blood circulation.
This is beneficial for cardiovascular health.Walking on hard sea sand strengthens the muscles of the feet

After how many minutes of walking on sand, do you burn fat?

According to research, fat burning time depends on a range of factors such as speed, distance, duration, weight and type of terrain.
It may take some time for the body to burn stored body fat after starting exercise.
So, some people consider maintaining long periods of walking essential to achieve better and faster results.

Generally, the body burns approximately 100 to 300 calories in 30 minutes of walking.
وهذا العدد قد يتضاعف عندما يتم الاستمرار في المشي لمدة ساعة في اليوم.

In a study conducted on sand, it was found that walking on sand burns more calories than walking on regular roads.
If you walk one mile, you can burn between 20 and 80 calories.

It is worth noting that walking time can be divided into short periods starting from 10 minutes or more.
In addition, changing the terrain of the walking location may contribute to increasing the burning of calories, as walking on sand requires additional effort.

It is also worth noting that walking is not just physical exercise, but also a time to relax and relieve stress.
Walking freely on the sand may give you a happy and relaxing moment when you arrive at the beach.

Therefore, it can be said that walking for more than half an hour on the sand is considered effective in burning fat and increasing physical activity.
Walking time can also be adapted according to personal goals and physical ability.
Whatever the appropriate duration, physical activity must be maintained regularly to obtain the best results and enjoy the health benefits.

Does walking on sand have side effects?

Walking barefoot on the sand is known for its unique appeal, but have you ever thought about the side effects of this activity? We will discuss what these side effects are, provided that the health conditions necessary for walking on sand are observed.

Despite the known health benefits of walking barefoot on sand that were mentioned previously, there are some harms that may result from this habit.
ومن بين هذه الأضرار، يمكن أن يكون التعرض للشوائب والأشياء الضارة المختلفة الموجودة في الرمال مثل الزجاج المكسور أو المعادن الصدئة.
قد ينسبب المشي على هذه الأشياء للإصابة وتكون الجروح نتيجة هذا التعرض.

Walking barefoot on sand can cause foot infections.
This may be due to the lack of proper protection for the feet while walking on sand, which increases the possibility of them being exposed to bacteria or other causes of inflammation.

However, we should note that using a good foot pack or exercising caution and attention while walking on sand can reduce the possibility of any of these negative side effects.

Walking barefoot on sand is a healthy activity if the necessary precautions are followed and the feet are well protected.
If you enjoy this experience, keep enjoying it and remember that taking care of the health of your feet is important.

In short, it turns out that walking barefoot on sand has many health benefits, but you need to be careful and aware of the potential side effects.
قبل أن تبدأ في ممارسة هذه العادة، تأكد من ارتداء ملابس واقية للقدمين وأن تتعامل بحرص مع البيئة المحيطة بك.

Does walking on sand help get rid of toxins from the body?

Recently, concerns about physical and mental health have become greater than ever.
Searching for ways to get rid of toxins and improve health has become important for many.
One of the ways that people are interested in is walking on sand and whether it can help get rid of toxins in the body.

According to scientific research, walking on sand has many health benefits, including improved physical fitness, increased energy, and enhanced balance and flexibility.
But does it also help in getting rid of toxins?

It is important to note that there is conflicting information on this topic.
There are those who believe that walking on sand attracts toxins from the body and facilitates their elimination.
There are those who believe that these assumptions have no scientific basis.

In fact, there are not yet enough scientific studies to confirm that walking on sand helps eliminate toxins from the body.
But this does not mean that it cannot have a positive effect on overall health.
Walking on sand is considered a beneficial physical exercise to maintain body fitness and enhance a feeling of psychological comfort.

Some believe that walking on sand helps stimulate pressure points on the feet, which improves circulation and may help eliminate toxins.
In addition, walking on sand may play a role in improving foot hygiene, by removing dirt and germs from the soles of the feet.

However, it is best to consult a healthcare professional before relying solely on walking on sand as a means of detoxification.
Comprehensive health guidelines include a healthy lifestyle, balanced nutrition, regular exercise, and drinking plenty of water.

It must be remembered that there are specialized medical bodies and healthcare centers to provide professional advice and preference in making health decisions.
If you would like to know more about how to get rid of toxins from the body, it is best to consult a specialist in the field of natural medicine or nutrition.

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